9-й симпозиум IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS)

9-й симпозиум IEEE East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS)


Севастополь, Украина, 09-12 сентября 2011

Цель симпозиума IEEE East-WestDesign & TestSymposium (EWDTS) ­– расширение международного сотрудничества и обмен опытом между ведущими учеными Западной и Восточной Европы, Северной Америки и других стран в области автоматизации проектирования, тестирования и верификации электронных компонентов и систем. Симпозиум проводится, как правило, в странах бассейнов Черного и Балтийского морей, Центральной Азии.

Оргкомитет приглашает ученых, аспирантов и студентов принять участие в работе международного симпозиума EWDTS'11, в рамках которого будут рассматриваться научные работы по следующим тематическим направлениям:

Симпозиум будет проходить в Севастополе – одном из прекраснейших городов Украины. Севастополь – порт, расположенный на берегу Черного моря, на юге Крымского полуострова. Город, известный как место дислокации Российского Черноморского Флота и Украинских военно-морских сил. Местом проведения EWDTS'11 является Севастопольский национальный технический университет.

Срок подачи докладов: 10 июня 2011 г.

Итоги рецензирования: 15 июля 2011 г.

Регистрация докладов: http://www.ewdtest.com/conf

Адрес оргкомитета: Проф. Владимир Хаханов, кафедра Автоматизации проектирования вычислительной техники Харьковского национального университета радиоэлектроники, пр. Ленина 14, Харьков, 61166, Украина.

Тел.: +380-57-702-13-26, E-mail: hahanov@kture.kharkov.ua, www.ewdtest.com/conf/

Симпозиум проводится Харьковским национальным университетом радиоэлектроники совместно с Севастопольским национальным техническим университетом при финансовой поддержке Таллиннского технологического университета (Эстония). Техническим спонсором EWDTS'11 является компьютерное сообщество IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC). Финансовую поддержку оказывают IT-компании Virage Logic, Aldec, Synopsys, Лаборатория Касперского, DataArt Lab, JTAG Technologies, Донецкая академия автодорожного транспорта. Лучшие работы, отмеченные на симпозиуме, будут опубликованы в научных журналах IEEE Design & Test Magazine and Radioelectronics and Informatics Journal (ISSN 1563-0064); последний издается при поддержке IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC).


В. Хаханов – Украина

Е. Зориан – США


Е. Пашков – Украина

П. Принетто – Италия

Председатели программного комитета

С. Шукурян – Армения

Д. Сперанский – Россия

Сопредседатели программного комитета

З. Наваби – Иран

М. Реновелл – Франция

Председатери рекламного комитета

Р. Убар – Эстония

С. Мосин – Россия

Г. Маркосян – Армения

Председатель комитета по связям с общественностью

В. Джиган – Россия

Программный комитет

Е. Й. Аас – Норвегия

Д. Абрахам – США

M. Адамский – Польша

А. Баркалов – Польша

Р. Базилевич – Украина

В. Джиган – Россия

A. Дрозд – Украина

E. Евдокимов – Украина

A. Чатерджи – США

E. Граматова – Словакия

A. Иванов – Канада

M. Каравай – Россия

В. Харченко – Украина

К. Кучукян – Армения

В. Кузьмич – Польша

A. Матросова – Россия

В. Меликян – Армения

O. Новак – Чешская Респ.

З. Пенг – Швеция

A. Петренко – Украина

Д. Пузанков – Россия

Я. Райк – Эстония

A. Романкевич – Украина

A. Рыжов – Россия

Р. Шейнаускас – Литва

С. Шаршунов – Россия

A. Сингх – США

Ю. Скобцов – Украина

В. Твердохлебов – Россия

В. Варданян – Армения

В. Ярмолик – Белоруссия

Руководящий комитет

M. Бондаренко – Украина

В. Хаханов – Украина

Р. Убар – Эстония

Е. Зориан – США


Ю. Гимпилевич – Украина

E. Литвинова – Украина

С. Чумаченко – Украина

Информационное письмо

Call for Papers

Информационные спонсоры:

The Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Science created in 1986 and is a part of Branch of Informatics, Computer equipment and Automatization of RAS. The basic purpose of Institute is execution of fundamental scientific researches and applied developments in the field of automatization of designing nano- and microelectronic systems and devices. The main directions of scientific activity of Institute are: The CAD systems in micro- and nanoelectronics; Development of high-efficiency microelectronic computing systems; Designing of perspective devices and integrated circuits of micro- and nanoelectronics.Alongside with fundamental researches, scientists and experts of Institute carry out applied developments both under plans of the Russian Academy of Science, and under contracts with the Ministries and departments of our country, russian and foreign firms. The institute is the organizer of the All-Russia scientific and technical conference

"Problems of Advanced Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems Development"

The SEMIDEC Project “Stimulating Semiconductor Design Cooperation between Europe and Russia” is supported by the European Commission to explore new opportunities and to stimulate cooperation in the field of Semiconductor Design research between the EU and Russia. Consequently, SEMIDEC aims to develop cooperation in semiconductor design and tools that are relevant to the research priorities, identified in the FP7 ICT Work Programme 2009 and ENIAC Strategic Research Agenda 2007. The SEMIDEC project is thus a great opportunity to fill in lacking contact with foreign companies and access to foreign markets for Russia’s electronics industry as well as to foster industrial and research partnerships between Russia and Europe in semiconductor design.

Taganrog Institute of Technology - Southern Federal University (TIT SFedU) is one of the main engineering training institutions of higher education in the South of Russia. TIT SFedU is situated in Taganrog – an industrial and commercial city and a seaport in the South of Russia on the shore the Azov Sea. TIT SFedU (the former Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering – before 2007, the former Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute – before 1993) was founded January 9, 1952 for training specialists in radio engineering. During long-term TIT SFedU history the system of constant connection of education with scientific research, design and industrial activity was generated and developed. TIT SFedU includes 3 scientific design bureaus, a research and development establishment, an experimental plant. The educational and research work is concentrated in the fields of radio engineering, broadcasting, wireless communication, electronic and computing devices, information processing, control systems, economy, linguistics and psychology.

Journal “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES” WITH MONTHLY SUPPLEMENT has been issued since 1995. The modern condition, trends and the perspectives of the development of the main directions in the area of the elaboration, creation and practical use of the informational technologies are covered in the journal. The main topics of published papers are CAE/CAD/CAM systems, mathematical simulation, computer graphics and geometrical si-mulation, telecommunication, intelligent systems, methods of optimization, designing decision assumption and methods of structural synthesis, applied information systems and etc.

The task of the “NANO and MICROSYSTEMS TECHNIQUES” journal is to illuminate the modern status, perspectives and development trends of microsystem engineering, to consider the problems of development and embedding microsystems in different areas of science, technology and production. The main topics of published papers are Microsystems Technology (MST), Microstructures, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), MOEMS, BioMEMS, Microactuators, MicroSensors, RF Components, Molecular Electronics, Bio Technology, NanoMaterials & Nanostructures, NanoTechnology, MicroMachines, Micro & NanoSystems, NEMS.

The journal “Software Engineering” illuminates current stage and trends of basic directions in software development industry, which are design and development, architecture, quality and support of software. Besides the achievements in the development and using the applied software and information systems for human society needs are also considered.

The scientific and technical journal “Digital Signal Processing” is published since 1999 and have 4 issues per year. The journal mission is support for the development and application of digital signal processing methods in modern real time information technologies. The basic topics of the papers, published in the journal are “Theory and methods of signal and image processing”, “Modern digital signal processing (DSP) technologies and its applications”, “Tools for design of DSP devices”, “Implementation of DSP devices and systems”, “Workshop of real time information technologies”.

Radioengineering journal is the Proceedings of Czech and Slovak Technical Universities and URSI Committees. For the last 20 years, the journal quarterly has been publishing original scientific and engineering papers from the area of radio engineering and science. The nature of the Radioengineering journal is interdisciplinary. This journal is interested in covering a wide area of radio electronics starting from wave propagation and antennas, continuing to high-frequency circuits and optoelectronics, and finishing with signal processing and multimedia. The journal can, therefore, present a wide view on all aspects of today’s radio engineering and science, initiate a mutual inspiration between disciplines; and support their connection in the frame of complex radio electronic systems. The Radioengineering journal makes an effort to encourage a younger generation of scientists and engineers. The journal offers them their first publication opportunity and gives them their first experience in writing a scientific paper. Independent reviewers carefully review each submitted paper, and attempt to explain its stronger and weaker aspects to the authors in detail. Each December and June, the Radioengineering journal prepares a special issue focused on a selected topic of importance and current interest. In the past, special issues published were devoted to mobile communications, multimedia, advances in antennas and microwaves, electromagnetic compatibility, electronic circuits, wireless technologies, optical communications etc. There were also special issues based on selected and revised papers from conferences and conventions.

The journal «Proceedings of Universities. Electronics» publishes research results in the different areas of electronics (materials, devices, circuit engineering, design, technologies, nanoelectronics, microsystem engineering, measurement systems, etc.). The journal focuses on the modern problems of electronics.

Machine-oriented language Prover is a tool for the synthesis, tuning and verification of test programs for the diagnosing of speed-acting microcircuits and memory modules. It offers a new method for diagnosing microcircuits memory. The language developer is Computing Technology Department of Cherkassy State Technological University, Ukraine.

Southwest State University is a leading university of Russian Southwest. SWSU is situated in Kursk – an industrial and agriculture city in the Southwest of Russia. SWSU (the former Kursk State Technical University) was founded in 1964 for training specialists in engineering. 9000 students are studied on the 8 faculties of the university. The educational and research work is concentrated in the fields of computer science and technology, computer software, computer security, biomedical engineering, electronic and computing devices, telecommunications, information systems, machine-building and chemical technologies, construction and architecture, economy, low and linguistics.

JTAG.TECT (StarTest) is a leading developer and supplier of the structural test solutions in Israel and Russia on all hardware levels, including device, board, and system. JTAG.TECT serves as the ICT/JTAG test support supplier in the following fields: The JTAG test program development, including the on-board programming of CPLD, FPGA, Flash, I2C, etc., with the tools of the following vendors: onTAP of Flynn Systems, ScanExpress of Corelis, ProVision of JTAG Technologies, ScanWorks of Asset InterTech. The Design-For-Testability (DFT) analysis of electronic circuits before layout and in all stages of their lifetime, including the check-up of the customer’s design DFT compliance. The optimal test strategy selection — whether ICT, JTAG, or both methods together — for the higher test coverage and shorter time-to-market. The test coverage maximization for the mixed JTAG/ICT testing. The ICT program development for the Teradyne Z18xx testers, the test process support on the customer production facility.

Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) is an advanced National Research University of Russia, training professionals in microelectronics, nanotechnology in electronics, information and telecommunication technologies, fundamental sciences as well as in economics, graphic design and linguistics. The university is situated in Zelenograd, the center of Russian microelectronics and a quiet Moscow district. For more than 40 years the university has been training highly-qualified professionals in the most popular fields of electronics and IT. MIET cooperates with leading universities of Europe and the USA, takes part in exchange programs for students, postgraduates and tutors. The university implements programs of elite professional training together with a number of foreign leaders in electronics and information technologies: Microsoft, Intel, Cisco systems, Hewlett-Packard, Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, Parametric Technology Corporation, Freescale Semiconductor, Agilent Technologies, Sun Microsystems and others. For almost 15 years MIET has been participating in innovative activities. One of the six free economic zones created in Russia for hi-tech companies is situated in Zelenograd. It includes the Innovation Complex of MIET. MIET proved its status of leading university in Russia by being listed in 2006 as one of the first 17 winners of national priority project «Education» leaving behind 200 competitors. MIET is among the universities promoting best innovative educational programs and received substantial federal funding for further development of elite professional training system.